Are Aliens Coming UFO Expert Made Shocking Revelations | Big disclosure about aliens, UFO expert claims

Are Aliens Coming UFO Expert Made Shocking Revelations |  Big disclosure about aliens, UFO expert claims

You must have heard and seen a lot about the other world and aliens in movies and stories. As soon as we talk outside our world the interest in people increases. However, it is a bit difficult to believe in this. But we should also think that if there is a planet like Earth in this whole universe and there are many types of creatures on it, then there will be other planets like this somewhere and there will be many creatures like humans and animals on them.

However, we still do not know anything about how much more modern and developed they are than us. It may be that he is more advanced than us or it may be that he is lagging far behind us. But according to UFO expert Malcolm Robbins, many aliens communities are much ahead of us and they have been coming to earth since time immemorial.

Could aliens be a threat to Earthlings?

Talking to The Daily Star recently, UFO expert Malcolm Robbins said that aliens have been coming to our earth since time immemorial. The arrival of aliens on earth dates back to the period when humans lived in caves. They say that the coming of aliens to the earth cannot be a peaceful agenda. However, now after Malcolm’s statement, discussion has started in the whole world whether aliens can really become a threat to the earth. Those who do not know Malcolm Robbins, let us tell you that Malcolm has so far written about 10 books on aliens and UFOs and is said to be an expert in this matter all over the world.

US military refuses to believe it

The US Army, which is many times more powerful and modern than any other army in the world, does not believe in the existence of aliens and UFOs. He believes that so far no such activity has happened on earth, which is related to UFOs. In the year 2021, it was revealed in the US military report that all the UFO incidents mentioned so far can also be a part of foreign activities, which are a threat to national security.

is america hiding something

Many such allegations have been leveled against the US Army and its intelligence department earlier also that it is hiding many information related to aliens. Actually, there are many such secret places in America where no one can go. Only a few selected people go to that place. One such place is Area 51. No one can go to this place. Even through satellite you cannot take pictures here. Now the question arises that after all, what is America hiding from the whole world, on which if the curtain is raised then there will be uproar in the whole world.

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